Jess Connolly is a nationally recognized author and speaker. As a mom, wife, and church planter, life in Charleston, SC keeps her pretty busy. She is in the business of helping people take steps toward abundant life and is wildly passionate about scripture. Her heart is to see people set free and encourage women to glorify God with gifts and talents they’ve been given. Jess owns All Good Things Collective and she helped start both The Influence Network and She Reads Truth.
Jess also wrote a book. Well, she’s written a couple of books! But the one we’ll talk about today is called DANCE STAND RUN where we will discuss the idea of speaking life into our friendships with other women. This concept of speaking life is vital for all relationships: as a friend, a co-worker or boss, as a parent, and as a spouse.
No matter your season of life, I hope you drink in the encouragement and life-giving thoughts that are shared today.