Elizabeth Taylor – Depression & Waves of Change




Somebody is yelling at me, telling me i’m worthless, screaming negative curses over me….except they aren’t doing it with words…and it’s not they it’s me….it’s just feelings that are just washing over me… feelings of worthlessness, discouragement, negativity and overwhelm that eventually paralyzes me.
Sometimes I can fully know this and yet I cannot stop feeling this way. My intellect confirms these aren’t true feelings but brain is tricking my body into believing it’s true and that registers in my body as pain.
This is depression.

Today’s episode, my guest is Elizabeth Taylor but the focus is kinda on me. I’ve been struggling with depression. Forever, in fact. As a teen, I have clear memories of telling family that I was depressed. But I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone help me validate this fact in a way that felt safe. As I grow older and wiser, I’m seeing the places where depression has infiltrated areas of my life and I no longer want it to reside. Part of kicking depression to the curb is shining a light on it. So today, I will give you a sensibility of how I feel personally attacked by depression.

The symptoms of depression are unique to the individual. The cause of depression and it’s treatment options are very layered. There’s no way in the WORLD one episode could touch the options, the effects, or the opinions of this segment of mental health.
I want to thank my guest Elizabeth Taylor for graciously sitting beside me as I vocalized some of my thoughts on being depressed and I’m also appreciative of her insights and encouragement.
In future episodes, I look forward to diving deeper into the subject of depression with additional guests and more revelations as time proves to educate us on the nasty effect that depression can have on all of us. Thank you for listening with grace today as we scratch the surface on this important topic of mental health.
Elizabeth wants everybody to be their best self, it’s why she’s so passionate about mental health. But “best” doesn’t mean perfect…it just means being vulnerable to who you are.
In our time together, we mention many great ways to get started on a path to wellness and to really help minimize depression. Some of the list included:
  • diet
  • exercise
  • fresh air
  • mindfulness
  • talking it out
  •  intentional stress reliving activities

We also talk about the pitfalls of social media and how it makes it so easy to compare or retreat. This becomes a catalyst for depression and a way to further down the spiral of being disconnected from actual life.

Social media has been the place where we are seeing everyone wrestle with the tragic deaths of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade. Suicide is a horrific thing. I think it’s because we feel like there are ways it could be prevented. The stigma of metal health makes getting help even harder.

When we think of how the world treats depression, Elizabeth remarks that most of the world just begs happiness from everyone. This is an unrealistic expectation and she helps us gain a more balanced perspective of having bad days.

When choosing to fight depression, it’s a good thing to have reasonable goals of self-care. One particular Facebook meme sparked our inspiration for this:

So many good, meaningful goals in this post! And it doesn’t have to be accomplished in one month. But making time for yourself and for others in a meaningful way will benefit your mind and your body.
Elizabeth hosts seminars that involve learning more about food and mental health, contact her today!
Call Elizabeth to schedule an appointment: 636-587-4921