Texas native Pastor Brandon McCain went through a transformation of body and spirit because of an incredible health scare.
Overweight, dragging, and tired, Brandon was living a struggling life a year ago. He confessed that he felt like he could die any day and would pray, with each passing moment, for the Lord to spare his life. Ironically, he prayed to be placed in the hospital in exchange for death.
A man in the middle of despair, Brandon was on the verge of something big and he had no idea. One morning, Brandon’s health took a drastic turn when he was unable to breathe and his entire body began to swell. He was quickly rushed to the emergency room after his entire body swelled and nearly took away his last remaining breath. After a traumatic number of days in the ICU and a medically induced coma, the diagnosis was found :IGA Nephropathy. The cause was a perfect storm of the flu shot, adverse blood pressure medication, and a sinus infection. This condition temporarily stripped away his memory, his strength, and his dignity.
Learn about how the compassion from a considerate doctor saved Brandon’s life …and also taught him about God’s compassion for us when it comes to His grace and mercy in our lives.
Brandon walks us through the days in the hospital when he couldn’t remember where he was or why he was there. Being confused and weak, Brandon relented to becoming the weakest person in the room. He talks about the anger and the frustration he felt during his rehabilitation. How he felt trapped in a situation outside of his control.
This was not unlike our anger and frustration we feel in our everyday trials without Jesus.
Brandon also shares a funny but poignant story of how he struggled for dignity. Let’s just say it’s a bit of potty talk. 🙂 It was vulnerability that ultimately brought him to the place of accepting the love and care that others had for him during his dark time. You’ll appreciate how vulnerability in a physical sense tells a story of how we are at our most vulnerable without Jesus in our lives.
Brandon now a completely different person. Active, healthy, and enjoying life, Brandon has a lot to be thankful for because of the dramatic way his life was altered. I can’t wait for you to hear how Brandon’s story can parallel our own when it comes to trials in life and in our acceptance of Jesus as our Savior.
Stand Out Parts in today’s episode:
[4:00] “God, Don’t take me home yet. Don’t kill me.”
[14:00] Learning about Life after the Coma
[25:00] Pooping (yes, pooping!) and Vulnerability
[28:39] Desiring Dignity
[32:20] Shift from Anger to Gratitude
[34:40] Mercy from Jesus – The Connection to Vulnerability and our Salvation
Quotable Moments:“When the spiritually vulnerable experience care from Jesus, they will care for the physically and spiritually vulnerable.”“When we realize the depth our own vulnerability and what Jesus did…it really has a lot of parallels to my time in the hospital.”“I didn’t realize I was sick, I didn’t realize I was vulnerable and so therefore I was frustrated with the people who were trying to tell me I was vulnerable. “