My guest today is OS Hawkins, long time pastor and native of Fort Worth, Texas based is author of The Code Series of inspirational books that will bring you closer to understanding the Bible.
O.S. talks to us about new beginnings, being risk takers, and resolving conflict in relationships. All of these points are laid out in his newest book, the Nehemiah Code.
It is so great to be reminded of how God’s word is all about a new beginning.
If you are struggling in your life, O.S. has ways to help you get motivated to walk forward in a fresh way toward a new beginning.
He gives practical applications of becoming do-er’s of God’s word and encouragement in resolving conflict in our relationships.
O.S. is passionate about helping retired pastors and each of purchase of any of his books helps fund the Mission Dignity organization. Check more out here.
Here are the scroll-to points of this episode:
[2:30] Introduce of the Code Series and the Nehemiah Code
[8:00] The biggest challenge of a new beginning
[12:00] God wants us to be a risk taker
[14:00] Resolving conflict in relationships
[18:00] Mission Dignity – retired pastors and widows
Quotable moments:“It’s never too late for a new beginning.”“Jesus is the ultimate conflict resolution artist and shows su the way in how to be reconciled, not only to God but with each other. We’ll never have new beginnings until we learn to resolve our conflicts.”