Lindsey Viducich is the daughter of Bob Goff. She and her dad wrote a complimentary book for children called Love Does For Kids. It was a thrill to have Lindsey on the show to make the stories that I’ve already heard so very real.
If you’ve read the book Love Does, you’ll know that some of the tales in the book sound just like that, tales. But they are absolutely true and they immediately stir your heart in a whirlwind of whimsy and desire to love others.
Love Does for Kids does the exact same thing, just on a level children can connect with! It was a real treat to hear Lindsey relay the incredible story of becoming friends with dignitaries and leaders across the planet. Get affirmation that God’s love isn’t boring or predictable from Lindsey Viducich as she shares some amazing ways her family has loved life and loved others in the process.
Lindsey is a teacher and her philosophy for teaching is one you’ll wish could be implemented world wide. She uses Project-Based learning in her classroom; Lindsey teaches her students how to tackle real world problems in a way that allows kids to affect change. As she experienced in her own childhood, Lindsey loves to share the variety and diversity in the world and how even being 7 years old, a kid can make a real difference.
Lindsey says that “Childhood becomes more magical as kids grow.” As adults, we have the privilege to facilitate this in our kids lives, showing them they have the ability to make an impact in their world.
Lindsey does such a good job of including both students and parents imagining that change IS possible. She brings so much hope when it comes to tackling big world problems from the help of small children. She says, “When things are hopeful, most people want to be part of it”. Like, for example, a parade!
Lindsey talks about a time that her family did a parade in their neighborhood and it gives a whole new insight to cultivating community. You’ll want to hear about the most important holiday in the Goff family that involves a fanciful neighborhood parade that creates a new way to include and love on your neighbors with balloons and donuts. Learn about how tradition can cultivate a special moment as a way to love other people well.
Lindsey made it clear that love doesn’t have to be extravagant to be communicated but it can be as simple as giving words of affirmation. This is a HUGE takeaway, friends. You may not think you can create a whimsical, hopeful, loving environment in your world,but you totally can by the words you use!
These are little reminders of how to show God how much we love Him by how we love each other. Love it! Go to the show notes to connect with Lindsey Vidichich and buy a copy of Love Does for Kids. It would make an amazing family gift for Christmas.
Friends, thank you for taking the time to fit Constantly Under Construction into your day. I’ve heard great things about how and when you listen to the podcast. Some of you have used the podcast as your regular routine for working out and running. Another listener told me she and her daughter listen together on road trips. I’m thrilled to learn that the podcast is encouraging and enriching your lives. Be sure to pass on the podcast to a friend and tell let me know how you love to listen! You can connect with me on Instagram at Constantly Under Construction.
Scroll to these stand out points of the episode.
[2:00] Whimsey Academy and the love of education
[3:00] Kids can make an Impact – Project Based Learning
[10:00] Cultivating Community – Neighborhood Parade
[17:00] Loving others with Words of Life
[21:50] World Leader’s Project / Parade Story
[31:00] Continued Friendships in Authenticity (With a little Junk Food on the side)
[34:00] The Comparison Trap and Resources for Teachers
Quotable Moments“Loving people is also in those really simple acts, like even just how we use our words.”“Words of Life, words that we speak to each other, that has a lot of power in how we love one another.”“But you think that loving people is these big grandiose acts but it can also just be in the words we use with one another.”
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