When Setbacks Make Way for Success

Amy Parker’s story is one of success in work because of faith in God. It’s a simple story of a woman who had acquired her “dream job” with a fantastic company and was soon devastated to hear the news that she was to be fired. Over the course of time, Amy says she can look back now and see it was very clear that God was paving the way for her to exercise the skills of a children’s author, an actual dream job that she didn’t know was possible in her life.

Speaking of exercising skills, have you all heard of The Artist’s Way?

It is a book that Amy has dubbed the “12 step program for artists or creatives”. She wholeheartedly recommends it! The concepts we talk about that really help you clear your mind and move forward in the creative process.
One of them, Morning Pages, where you write anything that is on your mind, (stream of consciousness)- gets the mundane tasks out of the way to tap into the creative voice.

Internal editor/internal voice it’s something that we may not even be aware of. But I love how Amy clued us into seeing when our internal editor seems to be the loudest. It’s when our confidence is shaken, that we start to let the internal negative voice take over. It can discourage and persuade us from moving forward, particularly after a setback. I love how Amy points to our true Inner Voice (God) and how He’s the one that will ultimately guide us into the places and spaces that we are meant to be.

Amy’s job loss took her to a place where she was forced to step out and pursue something little bit out of her comfort zone: Writing Children’s Books.

In that stepping out, Amy found a new job. She can say God fully cared for her in this job in ways she never anticipated. This job came with perks that her old job never had; namely the flexibility to be near her children when they needed her. Hindsight showed her that this was such a blessing. And I particularly loved how her story has highlighted that women can have professional jobs and simultaneously play a large role in raising their children. The balance that Amy juggled was definitely real. This was almost 2 decades ago when women working from home with kids in their lap was certainly not the norm. I love Amy’s insight with her experience as a dedicated mom who was also fully invested in her career.

Pro tip from Amy: moms need to put on clothes and make-up and get out of the house and connect with other adults. This is essential to stay whole and not lose yourself in just one facet of your work. It allows you to reconnect with other parts of yourself and not just stay on autopilot with a mom-brain.

You don’t want to miss the end of our time together when Amy openly shares about her relationship with God and how He has crafted Amy’s story from the very beginning.

Amy tells us how her experiences gave her faith that God would provide. She had assurance that He would take care of her, even when her husband was fired from His job. And yes, God even provided then!

God is not kidding when He says he will give us more than we could ever ask or think. Amy found that her worst career moment of being fired from her great job ended up being for the best moment because God provided a perfect job: Living the dream as a full time writer. (Amy will quickly dispel the glamour of her writing gig, but never diminishes the fact that it’s a job she loves because she fully feels like it’s what she was created to do.

I love the charge Amy gives when it comes to the idea of success. She encourages us to back up and to focus on the purpose God created for us instead of the plan we think we need to “get there”. Let God formulate the plan as you work solely on executing the purpose. Whether it be helping, creating, educating, encouraging, protecting, caring, or saving…your purpose can be found in a role or a job, it can be to a large group or a single individual, but it usually doesn’t look like we think. The world says success is achieving certain milestones or a large reach of people, but God is pleased when our purpose is acted out in faith. This doesn’t always match the definition of the world’s success. It may not mean getting publicity or having a large influence. But instead, the small quiet moments of acting in His purpose feel right, meaningful and satisfying.

Walk free in knowing that when you’re doing what you’re created for, you’re on the path to glorifying Him and that’s the most fulfilling place to be.

Amy’s purpose is to encourage families to read delightful books. She writes wonderfully crafted stories that are fueled from her faith in God. Check out the Night Night Series and other books.

Follow Amy so you can be anticipate her upcoming books, The Night Night Bible Book and The Night Night Devotional.

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