Today’s show is about embracing a part of your femininity that also can launch your mind into a habit for self-care.
Jaime McLaughlin is a seasoned and skilled makeup artist that took her career into a whole new arena by teaching moms about the application of make up and the importance of self-care. And for a makeup junkie like me, the attraction to this subject was intense. How can we satisfy the idea that makeup isn’t frivolous? I’ve wrestled with this for many years. But I’m hear to tell you you’ll enjoy hearing from Jaime and her take on self-care.
Makeup or not, she’s ready to equip you with what you need to show up and take on the day. When it comes to self care, it’s more than just makeup but a mindset of honoring what God has given you to steward, from your body, your face, your mind, to your kids, your work, and your belongings. You’re gonna love Jaime’s focus on real, natural beauty that you can’t replicate from a trendy unreachable youtube tutorial. And as Jaime shares some of her own personal struggles, you’ll see that nothing is more beautiful than a heart for the Lord.
I hope you are just as fascinated with Jaime’s take on jumpstarting your day with an element of self-care. I’ve got a special offer for you, friends! For listening to the podcast today, Jaime is offering a SPECIAL PRICE for her Complete Guide to Beauty. You’ll get The Complete Guide to Beauty for nearly 25% off when you go the themachouseblog.com and enter CUC at checkout. This Complete Guide to beauty gives you all the recommended products, all the recommended tools, all the application techniques plus an online community filled with beauty tips and bonuses. Enter CUC at checkout when you go the themachouseblog.com to order the The Complete Guide to Beauty.
Buy The Complete Guide to Beauty
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*Constantly Under Construction and Donna Harris receives compensation from affiliate recommendations in the show notes and blog and on the podcast.