Friends, I’m super excited for you to meet my guest Rachel Linden – she’s an author with a world of experiences. One includes working in Budapest with women who are victims of sex trafficking. As an author, Rachel’s fictional stories are purposeful and thoughtful. She weaves together wonderfully captivating stories of hope and courage that are based off of her own experiences; her miscarriage, her travels around the world and human trafficking.
We discuss the conviction that every hurting person is valid and deserves the dignity of healing… no matter what social status or living situation. Rachel recounts her own trauma when she was molested by a childhood friend. She has great advice for anyone who is stuck in the middle of healing from a horrific experience. It’s what makes her so great at ministering to women and children that are victims of sex trafficking.
Another part of our conversation travels to Rachel’s learning and unlearning about doctrine and theology. We talk about her revelation in learning that ministry and secular living can go hand in hand: How it can be a simple but compelling way to live out the gospel freely. And we discuss how her miscarriage kickstarted her unlearning of fear in her relationship with God. Find freedom in understanding that God isn’t looking for a purely transactional relationship that is based only on fear but also out of willing dependence.
As heavy as our time may seem, it was full of much hope and peace that Rachel has experienced throughout the journey. I am certain you’ll walk away from our time together feeling this same peace, hope and freedom.
From the ability to love people near and far, to healing from brokenness, and seeing freedom in our practices of our faith and our relationship with God. Rachel’s character’s in her book aren’t the only ones that exhibit courage, hope, and connection.
Thank you so much for listening. Please be sure to subscribe to the podcast in Apple Podcasts or your podcast app. And let me know what you think of today’s episode by connecting with me on Instagram!
*Constantly Under Construction and Donna Harris receives compensation from affiliate recommendations in the show notes and blog and on the podcast.