My guest today will remind you why laughing through hard times is beneficial.
Melanie Dale is an author and podcaster that takes the hard things seriously but with a spin of approachable, quirky humor that makes her so relatable.
She wrote a book called Infreakinfertiltiiy: It’s a survival guide for those attempting pregnancy with a ton of Melanie’s real-life experiences from her own infertility journey.
Melanie and I had fun talking about a variety of things that will amuse you and make you think : From sex in your 40’s to Nerdy TV shows and Books, and finally Melanie’s one weird trick she does to connect with Jesus. I hope you’ll enjoy our conversation.
You can find all things Melanie Dale on her website
Connect with Melanie on Instagram
Buy her newest book Infreakinfertility
Fun Stuff to Share –
Link to her Middle Aged Sexy time post: https://www.unexpected.org/2019/02/coffeecrumbs-middle-aged-sexy-time/
Neil Gaiman Books: http://www.neilgaiman.com/works/Books/