Episode 72 is all about freedom from our hangups. If it’s food or relationships, Jenna Barbosa has a lot of wisdom to offer on the issue.We talk about Jenna’s personal brokenness and how is continually gaining freedom from hurts from her past, relationships that she tried to use to replace God, and using food as an idol.
Feel comforted and encouraged as you listen to Jenna introduce herself as a women that is content and the hope that she can bring to you, no matter your situation.
I really loved the thoughts she had on the difference between being a victim and having a victim mentality. Friends, I’m praying that if you’ve recognized your responsibility in moving forward with healing, that you’ll take those next steps toward Jesus. Come as you are. Let Him fill you, guide you, protect you and comfort you on your road to wholeness.
Connect with Jenna and get info on her upcoming book, Tenacious Grace.