Your gonna tap into your own personal reason to be courageous today. Melissa Scott has had a tumultuous life. From horrific sexual abuse as a child to a cycle of repeated abuse in relationships, Melissa hit rock bottom, seeking more for her life. Even though she was able to see healthy relationships and witness to God’s power around her, Melissa felt very much on the outside of the ability to achieve an actual and real relationship with Jesus. You’ll be encouraged to hear how she found healing moments through true forgiveness, therapy, and crying out to Jesus in her car.
Please hang on toward the end of our conversation to receive the ultimate lesson you can gain from Melissa when we talk about grace and how Melissa gained supernatural freedom in her life from her hurts and her continued hurt because of the gift of Grace that God has given her and gifted her!
And we talk about two of Melissa’s passions, her role as a mom and the love she has for transformation from negative thinking to a confident attitude.
If you value your role as a parent and what that means when it comes to supplying your children (and yourself!) with the ability to have a healthy, positive mindset, you’ll want to hear Melissa’s discovery of powerful, Biblically-based, scientifically proven mindset shift.
I’m excited to share this conversation to you and I hope if this is your first time listening, welcome! I know you’ll gain some hope and freedom from my time with Melissa today. And I encourage you to subscribe to the podcast. AND Thank you so much to my long-time friends for sticking it out with me for 74 episodes! Don’t forget to tap on the stars in iTunes or Apple Podcasts to review the show. It’s a tremendous way to keep the show active and available. Thank you so much for your support.
You can follow Melissa Scott, and listen to her podcast, Hello Courageous and find more info about Melissa’s digital course, Your True Courage Method by going to her website.
I want to hear from you about today’s episode! How has it encouraged you? If we are friends on Instagram, shoot me a direct message and let me know how this conversation gave you hope, freedom, and something new to think about. You can find me on Instagram at Constantly Under Construction. I cannot wait to hear from you!