Elizabeth Taylor – Depression & Waves of Change

      Somebody is yelling at me, telling me i’m worthless, screaming negative curses over me….except they aren’t doing it with words…and it’s not they it’s me….it’s just feelings that are just washing over me… feelings of worthlessness, discouragement, negativity and overwhelm that eventually paralyzes me. Sometimes I can fully know this and yet...

Rachel Swanson

If you’ve ever felt the struggle of balancing work with family and personal relationships, you will feel so connected with my chat with Rachel Swanson. As a best-selling author, speaker, and mom of wanna be triplets, Rachel talks about the balance of her home and work life and how to prioritize all of it. Finding peace and...

Virginia Kerr

{{This episode was released simultaneously with Tim Ezell’s episode! You’ll want to make sure to catch both of them!}} Virginia Kerr is well known around the St. Louis area as a television news anchor. Most recently Virginia has founded and fueled an amazing television show called The Thread: A show that’s dedicated to sharing the light...