Category Archives: struggle

Episode 67: Melanie Dale

My guest today will remind you why laughing through hard times is beneficial. Melanie Dale is an author and podcaster that takes the hard things seriously but with a spin of approachable, quirky humor that makes her so relatable.She wrote a book called Infreakinfertiltiiy: It’s a survival guide for those attempting pregnancy with a ton...

Kaitlin Wernet

My guest today will leave you feeling like you’ve just wrapped yourself in your favorite cozy blanket and settled down for some peaceful ‘me’ time. Kaitlin Wernet is a professional writer and editor which makes it so much fun to hear her geek-out about the oxford comma! We share an intrigue toward Taylor Swift’s many...

Episode 65: Justine Froelker

My guest today is gonna equip you with a mindset that allows you to GROW while grieving. Justine Froelker is a powerhouse that stares down grief in the face, says thank you, while simultaneously hanging onto hope. She suffered through the heart-wrenching fate of infertility and her encouraging story isn’t one that looks like most....